Friday 27 May 2016

Rujuta Diwekar Diet Plan

Rujuta Diwekar, a well-known nutritionist and fitness expert in India, has come up with a diet plan that suits your work schedule, lifestyle and weight management requirements. Her diet plan suggests a holistic approach towards fitness emphasizing on a healthy life style rather than going on diets. By following her diet plan one can easily lose weight.

rujukta diwekar diet plan

Rujuta Diwekar diet plan for weight loss is available for both, vegetarians and non vegetarians. The four steps of Rujuta Diwekar’s weight loss diet plan are as follows.

Step 1 – Healthy Eating

Eat small meals about once every two hours throughout the day. Rujuta diet plan suggests eating eight or nine meals per day. Eating small quantities throughout the day will prevent you from feeling overly hungry and gorging yourself in one sitting. The meals should comprise of an apple, a serving of egg whites, muesli and milk, a slice of cheese and bread or a handful of nuts. Some other aspects of Rujuta diwekar diet are as follows.

Healthy food choices
For a healthy weight loss, you need to swap high-calorie and empty-calorie foods out for healthier choices. You don’t have to give up all the foods you love, just that you need to make healthier versions of them.

How you eat matters as much as what you eat. A lot of us eat quickly and avoid chewing food. Slow down your chewing time and you will slim down. When you take time to chew, your body produces less of ghrelin, the hormone that increases one’s appetite and increases the production of peptide, the hormone that curbs hunger.

rujukta diet

Healthy snacking
When following a weight loss diet, it is important to deal with the hunger pangs. Eat healthy fats from nuts, seeds and olive oil, and high-fibre foods such as vegetable salads and whole-grain pastas. Keep these handy. Also, you can munch on fruits such as apple when hunger pang strikes. Say no to snacking post dinner. It is the time to give your body the rest it needs. So if you can’t resist the temptation, lock your kitchen or put all the eatable away from your sight.

Cut back on sugar
It is easier said than done for most of us but to see the results you need to put down the cookies. If you're serious about losing weight, make it your goal and do all it takes to get to it. Make a decision to stop eating too much sugar. Your motivation should be to lose weight.

Calorie Count
You need to figure out how many calories you need to maintain your current weight or lose it. There are several calorie calculators available on the Internet to help you determine this number. There is a simple way of calorie calculation – multiply your weight by 10. If you weigh 150 pounds, your minimum calorie consumption should be 1,500. This is when you are inactive. You have to add 200-400 calories based on your activity level. To burn fat, you need a 500-calorie deficit per day.

Step 2 – Exercise

Exercise at least once in every 3.14 days. This is called Rujuta’s "Rule of Pi”. At least a 7 day of work-out amongst the 22 days that you ate well, can drastically improve your health. Exercise could be anything mild like a nice jog will do the trick. Do exercise according to your limit.

The equation to lose weight is quite simple – burn more calories than you consume. If it is so easy, why do more people lose weight? Right workout is crucial to weight loss; you don’t lose weight if you don’t do it right. Weight loss workout has to be the combination of cardio and resistance training.

Start with stretches; it is important even if you are doing a low-intensity workout. The stretching will get the blood flowing to the muscles that you are about to use in your workout. Moreover, stretching will help you prevent injuries from happening during your workout.

You need to divide time for cardio and resistance training when you work out. Cardio exercises should make a major portion of your workout. You have several options to choose from. You can ride around your town on your bicycle and get your heartbeat up. Also, you can walk at brisk pace in your lawn or jogging at a steady speed.

rujukta diwekar diet tips

Resistance training
A part of weight loss workout has to be resistance training. There is no need to visit the fitness centre and lift weights; you can do squats and lunges at home to work on the muscles with extra fat. Three sets of 10 of these two exercises is all the resistance training you need. However, you can also train with bicep curls and other arm lifts with dumbbells. Remember to keep alternating days between arm and leg workouts.

Staying on course with the program
The most difficult part of any weight loss program is sticking to it. You may find it hard to do it on your own. Rather than going on following a diet and exercise plan by yourself, convince a friend who is also looking to lose some weight. This way you can prevent workouts from becoming boring and you have someone to talk you through difficult days, when you feel like giving up.

Motivation is crucial as losing weight is not easy. It takes several weeks, even months to see a noticeable change. All you need is a healthy lifestyle, healthy eating choices and motivation to work towards a healthier you.

You can practice yoga along with your workout schedule. This low-intensity workout complements the standard workout program to help you lose weight. Hatha yoga and Bikram yoga are the easy yoga positions that can help you burn significantly amount of calories in a few minutes.

Step 3 – Supplements

Sometimes, our diet cannot meet the nutritional requirements. You can take dietary supplements to ensure that nutritional requirements are met. You need enough vitamins, minerals and omega-3 fatty acids for proper bodily functions and weight loss process. These dietary supplements help in removing any nutritional deficiency that one may be having.

The purpose of dietary supplements is to complement or replace the nutritive value of consumed foods for maximum health benefits. The nutrition enhancers contain a wide range of minerals, vitamins and other consumable substances. These are available in several forms – liquid, capsule, powder and pills. Weight loss is one reason to take dietary supplements; these are also taken by many to enhance their overall health. You can improve health conditions such as arthritis, osteoporosis, colds and the flu with the dietary supplements.

Risks and medical assistance
As they are complementary to foods and other medications and at many times contraindicated in prescription drug treatments, there could produce adverse effect if combined with certain prescription medications. Therefore, it is recommended to use dietary supplements with caution and seek professional advice before choosing dietary supplements. Talk to your general practitioner before taking dietary supplements.

Step 4 – Keep these in Mind

Water Intake
Drink a lot of water, 2 to 3 litres every day. Water flushes out all the impurities from your body, thus keeping your skin glow and healthy. Rujuta suggests that one can lose weight easily by making a few changes in one’s lifestyle. Sipping water throughout the day also help prevent overeating, keeping you full. When you are hungry, just grab a glass of water and you can cut half of the calorie intake.

Stay active
Besides a workout plan and fat-burning foods, you should try to remain active throughout the day. Walking is a great low-intensity workout; take a walk in your lawn whenever you get time. Walking the stairs and gardening are other ways you can stay active.

Get a good night’s sleep 
Eat often and sleep well. This will cut down the fat stored in different areas like in chin, waist, hips and thighs. Eat your dinner early (at the same time everyday) so that body’s fat burning rate gets enhanced.

Adopt healthy habits
One such habit is sociotropy (giving in to the requests of your peers or family members to eat something). When you are following a program, you need to be strong enough that you don’t give in to the temptations when offered something. The offered food can be full of fat such as desserts after a dinner party. Eating them can be harmful for your body and counterproductive to your weight loss program. Remember, you have to say no and sternly.

Think positive and beyond
More than your efforts to lose weight, you must think positive and ahead of time. Before even starting out, you should look yourself at the mirror and feel confident.

According to the dietician Rujuta Diwekar, the diet plan is not just to spread the calories evenly through the day, but also to make each meal nutritious. It emphasizes on the fact that eating and exercising are co-related and they are to be followed religiously to lose weight and to maintain a fit and healthy body. If your goal is to get healthier, and not to just lose weight, then Rujuta Diwekar’s diet plan is a perfect solution for you.